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Rombauer - Chardonnay Carneros 2023 (750ml)


Price: $37.99

* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Rombauer
Country United States
Region California
Subregion Carneros
Varietal Chardonnay
Vintage 2023
Sku 097921970109
Size 750ml

The fruit for this wine comes from vineyards in the Carneros region owned by the Rombauer family and select growers including the Sangiacomo family, long-term grower partners who have farmed this land for three generations. Enticing aromas of vanilla, melon and mango are layered with apricot, creme brulee, butter and a slight minerality. Those scents are echoed as flavors on the creamy, rich palate, along with peach, pie crust and baking spices. The long, smooth finish is marked by mouthwatering acidity.

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