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Pairidaeza - Menthe Blanche Liqueur (750ml)

Price: $32.99

* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Pairidaeza
Style Liqueur
Size 750ml

White Mint liqueur
Pair - ih - da - ee - zuh
Spirits based on the ideology of lush imagery, a step back-in-time, propelling into one’s aura; intended to be that perfect addition to your cocktail in paradise
Since its arrival into culinary and medicinal lexicon, mint has been a multicultural ingredient. Until lately, Creme de Menthe was left in the Prohibition era, only to pop up in drinks like The Grasshopper. No longer. Pairidaēza created a nuanced twist on a classic liqueur. Blanche, meaning uncolored, this liqueur is all natural and invigorating on the tongue. This modifier is perfect for adding depth not only in flavor, the cocktail will physically be different in mouthfeel.

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