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Little House Brewing - Apple Cider Donuts Scotch Ale (16oz can)

Price: $4.99

* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Little House Brewing
Style Beer
Size 16oz can

Are you getting those fuzzy fall feelings yet?

Throw on that flannel, breathe in the crisp air, and get ready to go Apple Cider Donut picking because this year’s crop is finally ready for harvest! This rich and malty scotch ale was brewed with the perfect ratio of one, freshly baked apple cider donut from Bishop’s Orchards in every pint. Warm cinnamon notes, cakey doughnut flavor, decadent vanilla, and just a hint of snappy cidery-goodness make this the perfect autumn sipper. Drink it! It's liquid donut magic and we made it with love, just for you, fresh from Little House, Great Falls, and Bishop’s. 
7% ABV

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