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Jefferson's - Ocean Aged Bourbon #28 (375ml)

Price: $39.99

Sale Price: $29.99

* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Jefferson's
Country United States
Region Kentucky
Style Bourbon
Size 375ml

Jefferson's Description

Inspired by the original Jefferson’s Ocean, which was new-filled bourbon barrels, the Jefferson’s Ocean: Aged at Sea takes older bourbon barrels and brings it around the world. Stopping in 5 different continents and crossing the equator 4 times, this bourbon truly is a world beater.

A boat is a singularly uncommon place to age bourbon, but inspiration struck Trey on the deck of his friend Chris Fischer’s research ship. While watching Jefferson’s Reserve bourbon rock gently in its bottle, they wondered what would happen to bourbon aged on the bow of a ship. The caramelizing of the sugars in the barrel combined with the constant motion of the ship resulted in a dark bourbon with a briny, savory taste aged beyond its years.

The first batch of Jefferson’s Ocean was bottled in 2012. Distilled in Kentucky and aged for four years on the deck of a research vessel in the tropics, its dark, complex flavor rivaled whiskeys several times its age and it quickly sold out. Now, the next round has headed out to open sea and this time, the barrels, aged up to 8 years, will be going all the way around the world. Check back soon to explore the progress of the vessel and find out how it’s tasting.

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