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Off Color Brewing - Beer for Ball Games (4 pack 16oz cans)

Price: $8.99

* Not eligible for case discounts
Producer Off Color Brewing
Style Cream Ale
Size 4 pack 16oz cans

American Style Cream Ale
While most of our Beers for Stuff are inspired by things that are not beer, we could not imagine quaffing anything but a light bodied but flavorful brew watching nine innings from the bleacher section. This American style cream ale features a light malt character with flavors of corn flakes cereal. A light hop aroma contributes nuanced floral, pepper, and grapefruit rind notes. Bread notes from yeast left in the beer rounds out the mouthfeel.
SECRET TECHNIQUES:  As one of the first styles of beer actually conceived in the United States (in the mid-1800s), our cream ale is designed to make America’s pastime proud by using only American produced malt and corn with classical American hops (Cascade and Willamette). We even use the best American water (sorry Fiji).
INGREDIENTS:  2-Row, Flaked Barley, Caramel Malt, Dextrin Malt, Flaked Corn, Nugget hops, Willamette Hops, Cascade Hops, Kolsch yeast, water

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